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Course curriculum

    1. Introduction To Offensive Network Security

    2. Lab Setup For Demo Practice

    1. OSI Model In details

    2. IP address (Ipv4 & Ipv6) And Classes

    3. TCP Flags And Common Ports

    4. OSI And TCP/IP Model

    5. Reference :

    1. Getting Started With Wireshark

    2. Working With Wireshark Filters

    3. Importance Of Import/Export In Wireshark

    4. Importance Of Import/Export In Wireshark

    5. Capturing The Clear Text Credentials In Wireshark

    6. Identifying & Analyzing Network Attack With Wireshark

    7. Wireshark Statics Menu And Its Importance

    8. Wireshark Handy Cheat sheet

    9. Comprehensive Tshark Guide

    1. Getting Started With Host Scan

    2. How Nmap Determine Whether A Port is open or close ?

    3. Port Scanning With Nmap For Better Enumeration

    4. Explanation On Timing Based Scanning

    5. Saving Nmap Output For Further Usage

    6. Vulnerability Scanning With Nmap

    7. Brute forcing Attack With Nmap

    8. How To Use Zen map In Windows

    9. Writing Own Nmap Script - InfoCk YouTube Content

    1. Understanding TCP Scan With Wireshark

    2. Understanding Stealth Scan with Wireshark

    3. Understanding Fin Scan With Wireshark

    4. Understanding Null Scan with Wireshark

    5. Understanding UDP Scan With Wireshark

    6. Understaning XMAS Scan with Wireshark

    1. Getting Started With Nessus

    2. Scanning An IP/Range Of IP Address With Nessus

    3. Authenticated Scanning With Nessus

    4. Reading Nessus Scan Results And Other Options

About this course

  • ₹999.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content


Senior Security engineer Chandrakant Nial

Ethical Hacker who love web application security, network security, mobile security like anything and everything in security. He has trained over 1000s of student/ employees from multiple part of the works .he holds some of the top cyber security certification such as OSCP, SANS 660 (GXPN-in progress) , Qualys certification and many more.He has great skills to make anyone understand complex concept in extremely simple manner.Presently engaged with fuzzing , malware analysis, docker security, penetration testing and exploitation.

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