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Tata Consultancy Services
Grab Holdings Inc.
Diageo plc

Course curriculum

All Chapter Details below

    1. Course Overview

    1. Introduction to basics of thick client application security

    1. Part 1 - Use of sysinternals suite and commonly used tools

    2. Part 2- Looking for secret using strings ,process hacker and checking Configuration

    1. Reverse Engineering using dnSpy and cracking database password

    2. Recompiling using dnSpy after modification

    1. Conducting Injection Attack Manually

    1. Network Tools overview and demo

    2. Intercepting and modifying with echo mirage | Burp suite

    3. Packet manipulating and attacking with scapy

    4. Network monitor tool for intercepting process traffic (demo)

About this course

  • ₹999.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


Senior Security engineer Chandrakant Nial

Ethical Hacker who love web application security, network security, mobile security like anything and everything in security. He has trained over 1000s of student/ employees from multiple part of the works .he holds some of the top cyber security certification such as OSCP, SANS 660 (GXPN-in progress) , Qualys certification and many more.He has great skills to make anyone understand complex concept in extremely simple manner.Presently engaged with fuzzing , malware analysis, docker security, penetration testing and exploitation.

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